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Lawn Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve exchange of necessary nutrients (air, water, fertilizer). In other words, increasing your lawns ability to breathe and absorb the nutrients it needs to maintain its health.
Benefits of Lawn Aeration:
Improved Air Exchange Between the Soil and Atmosphere
Improved Soil Water Uptake
Improved Fertilizer Uptake & Use
Improved Turf grass Rooting
Improved Thatch Breakdown
Improved Heat and Drought Stress Tolerance
Improved Resiliency and Cushioning
Reduced Water Runoff
Reduced Soil Compaction
De-thatching involves the removal of the matted layer of dead and decaying plant material between growing grass and the soil, know as thatch. Thatch is removed by combing the turf with a machine called a Power Rake. The power rake pulls the matted thatch up from the soil and deposits it on top of the lawn. Once the lawn is power raked. The thatch is hand raked, removed and disposed of. Benefits of power raking: Increasing the availability of nutrients
Helping prevent fertilizer and pesticide run-off from thatch matted areas
Enhancing oxygen levels in the soil, stimulating root and rhizome growth in soil instead of thatch matte
Increasing your lawn's resistance to disease and insects
Increasing your lawn's drought tolerance and improving its overall health
Promoting a lush green lawn
A slit seeder over seeds the lawn by planting the grass seeds directly into the soil. This seed-to-soil contact increases the germination rate for seeds. When you scatter grass seed on top of the ground, you make it easy for rain to wash it away, wind to blow it away or hungry birds to eat it for lunch. Just as the name implies, a slit seeder has closely spaced blades that dig narrow trenches in the soil. The slit seeder deposits the grass seed in the trenches.